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The “Father” of the framework of the Bi-communal Dialogue Ambassador Dr. Emil Keblusek (Dr. Emil Keblúšek)

В последнее время имя Эмиля Кеблушека упоминалось в прессе в связи с возобновлением переговоров по объединению острова Кипр и в связи с 20-летием начала диалога между лидерами греческой и турецкой общин на Кипре. Известно, что с 1974 года этот средиземноморский остров разделен на две части: северную турецкую и южную греческую. В 1989-м году Эмиль Кеблушек был инициатором «греко-турецких» переговоров на Кипре, проходивших при посредничестве тогда Чехословацкого посольства в Никосии. http://www.kino-teatr.ru/kino/acter/m/sov/1934/forum/f19/      № 156 Olga (Germania) 18.06.2009 19:52

Выступление министра иностранных дел Словакии М. Лайчака в Кипрском университете 26 мая 2014 года, где он упоминает Эмиля Кеблушка


Cypriot parties in Slovakia to mark 20 years of bi-communal Cyprus dialogue

The idea to bring Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot politicians together belongs to former Ambassador of Czechoslovakia in Nicosia, Emil Keblusek (Emil Keblúšek), of Slovak origin.


In spring 1989 then Czechoslovak Ambassador to Cyprus Dr. Emil Keblusek (Dr. Emil Keblúšek) suggested calling the leaders of the political parties from both communities together to discuss the possible outcomes of the long lasting Cyprus problem.


Five Greek- Cypriot and three Turkish- Cypriot leaders attended the first meeting in Prague on 16 May 1989 after which it was common view of all party leaders that the meeting proved to be very useful and constructive. They established the framework of the Bi-communal Dialogue, which exists under the auspices of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Nicosia for 2o years.

The Slovak Embassy Bi-communal Forum is the only communication channel of this kind between the leaders and representatives of the political parties from both communities. It represents a unique opportunity for the participants to express their opinions on particular issues, but also to learn first-hand the reactions and positions of the other parties.

The fact that political party leaders from two communities are able o sit around one table and to listen to each other is considered by all to be an essential foundation for Dialogue and a tangible demonstration of their willingness to seek a solution of their country’s national issue.

Fourteen political parties from both communities (eight Greek-Cypriot and six Turkish-Cypriot parties) are involved in the Bi-communal Dialogue. The parties delegate two of three members at each meeting who present the position of their party on a topic suggested by the hosting party (appointed through a rotation system) introduces the topic and the Slovak Ambassador opens the discussion.

Cypriot politicians from both communities of Cyprus gathered in Bratislava to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the bi-communal meetings between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot political parties, which meet regularly at the Ledra Palace hotel, in the UN buffer zone in Nicosia, under the auspices of the Embassy of Slovakia.

In the recent past the Forum developed and implemented a number of their own confidence building measures. These included visits to the places of worship of both communities, a tour of the buffer zone in the Ledra Street to demonstrate their support for its opening, common social events hosted by both communities, a Bi-communal cultural event for the young generation in the Ledra Palace, but also a Bi-communal painting exhibition, visit to a Bi-communal school, visits to hospitals… All of these activities are organized by the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Cyprus, many of them in cooperation with the peacekeeping mission UNFICYP.

A group of members of the European Parliament (High –Level contact group for relations with Turkish-Cypriot community) joins the meeting of the leaders and representatives of the political parties twice a year.

The statement by the participants in the first meeting 20 years ago that the Bi-communal Dialogue can be considered an important instrument in building bridges of confidence and goodwill between the two communities is still valid.

The "Father” of the framework of the Bi-communal Dialogue Ambassador Dr. Emil Keblusek (Dr. Emil Keblúšek).

"As a human being I was shocked when I first came, shocked by the dividing line. I considered it outdated, outrageous and a bleeding wound on the soul”.

"Being from an Eastern European, middle-sized country we thought our effort would be understood because we had no ambitions other than to be helpful”.

The Cypriot politicians met in Bratislava on May 14th-17th, 2009 to mark 20 years of bicommunal dialogue between them, a dialogue that is taking place at the Ledra Palace Hotel in the UN buffer zone in Nicosia, under the auspices of the Slovak Embassy in Nicosia.
























Источник: http://phivosnicolaides.blogspot.com/2009/06/cyprus-bi-communal-dilalogue-bratislava.html
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: admin (16.11.2011)
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